You are alone with a partner. Events are developing rapidly, and you intend to prolong the pleasure as long as possible. But all over, has barely begun.
If this happens only occasionally, it is normal. In some men it can occur during foreplay or right after the penis, labia or concerns penetrates the vagina partner. However, if this happens regularly, then there is a problem and talk about premature ejaculation.
In this case, mostly suffering from male self-esteem, and relationship with a partner. But to put up with this completely optional: Premature ejaculation is treatable.
Definite answer to this question is no. Here are some possible causes of premature ejaculation:
* Psychological factors (depression, stress, guilt, low self-esteem, increased anxiety on the grounds of sex).
* Medical disorders (thyroid problems, infectious inflammation of the prostate, changes in the level of certain hormones and substances produced by the brain).
In young people, premature ejaculation is usually associated with inexperience (they are still not widely known by his own body). In some men, premature ejaculation is a consequence of erectile dysfunction.
For diagnosis of premature ejaculation, your doctor have a lot to learn about the past and current state of health of the patient, as well as the medicines he takes. The doctor has to ask in detail about sexual relations with a partner.
Talk about intimate problems is difficult enough, but honestly answer the questions the doctor is very important. Here's a sample list:
* How long have observed premature ejaculation?
* There was a problem in recent times, or it has existed since the beginning of sexual life?
* Does premature ejaculation each time or only sometimes?
* Do you see it with all the partner or only one?
* How often you have sex?
* Eat you alcohol or drugs?
To identify possible causes of the problem of medical doctor may prescribe a comprehensive survey.
How is it treated?
The main methods of treatment of premature ejaculation are psychological, sexual and pharmacological therapy. Sometimes it helps one type of treatment, but often requires a combination of them.
Psychological therapy
Talking with a psychologist is often very useful. You can come to the consultation, together with a partner. The specialist will help relieve stress and improve the quality of sexual life.
Sexual Therapy
There are exercises that can help you learn to delay ejaculation. Making them can be one or with a partner.
* Compression method. Arm's partner stimulates the penis for as long as it will not be on the verge of ejaculation. Sensing the approach of ejaculation, it squeezes the head member for a few seconds. Erection partially decreases. After 30 seconds partner again begins to stimulate the penis. This is repeated several times and ends with ejaculation.
* The method of interruption. 's Partner stimulates the penis for as long as you will not feel the approach of ejaculation. At this point, it stops the stimulation and waiting when the man bit "cool". Then again she begins to fondle his penis. This is repeated until ejaculation has not yet come.
* Antidepressants. A side effect of some drugs in this group (paroxetine, fluoxetine) - delay the onset of orgasm. Therefore, the prescription can be used for the treatment of premature ejaculation. If these medicines do not help, appoint another type of antidepressant - clomipramine.
* Creams containing local anesthetics - for example, lidocaine, - used for the treatment of premature ejaculation for many years. Application of funds for the crown member dulls the senses and delaying ejaculation. Immediately before intercourse cream should be washed, to avoid contact with genital partner.
Rx Kentucky
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Chronic prostatitis and sexual disorders
Chronic prostatitis and sexual disorders:
The structure of sexual pathology in patients with chronic prostatitis depends on many factors and is characterized by isolated damage to the ejaculatory component, which clinically manifested accelerated ejaculation (47%), painful ejaculation (52%) and smoothed (with altered color) orgasm (20%). The basis of most cases of erectile disorder are changes in mental and neuro-component copulative cycle. As the main complaint is erectile dysfunction is present in chronic prostatitis in 30% of cases. At the core lies the fear and anxiety about their condition, the fear of possible consequences. In 19 century domestic psychiatrists Kovalevsky and Popov introduced the concept of "neurasthenia psihotravmaticheskaya recover from." It creates a vicious circle - the fear of the patient for a particular authority is reflected in the functions of the latter, and the growing functional disorders have been reinforced by fear. The special features of patients with long-term ongoing chronic prostatitis include hypochondriac willingness and commit the slightest sensation in the genital organs. The presence of patients with anxious depression, obsessive show (ie, dominant in the consciousness and uncontrollable) mind disturbing the contents of his men, and therefore human inferiority of the incurable disease and futility of treatment, the imminent loss of family welfare. The same anxiety and fear with their condition and determine any actions of almost every step of the patients whose behavior is classified as "care in the disease with a separation from reality." For this category of patients tend to self-diagnose and self-healing. In the clinical picture of anxious depression are typical for these patients, sleep disorders and appetite, marked autonomic symptoms - sweating, lability of the pulse. Sexual disorders - decreased libido (40%), decrease in frequency and severity of spontaneous erections (15%), the weakening of adequate erections (30%), the inevitable manifestation of affective disorders. Psychotic burdened detected in approximately 75% of patients with chronic prostatitis. In 60,2% of patients with psychotic prior aggravated sexual dysfunctions, while 17,8% of patients psychoneurological symptoms occur after prolonged and ineffective treatment of the underlying disease, and makes certain specific sexual disorders clinic.
Erectile violations found at the chronic prostatitis should be considered in the structure of asthenic, anxious, hypochondriacal, astenoipohondricheskogo, astenodepressivnogo syndromes and purely hypochondriacal and depressive state. Typically, these states do not require a special correction by psychotropic drugs. Adequate is raising conducting interviews, the appointment of biogenic stimulants, adaptogens, the course of therapy with the use of Yohimbine. Good clinical effect is observed when using acupuncture. Aseptic prostatitis often has a psychosomatic basis. He and occurs more frequently in people with certain types of character because of "personality disorders and emotional stress and is highly resistant to therapy.
Often, analyzing the premorbid characteristics of patients, we can note the presence of cyclothymia, accentual character of residual-organic CNS lesions, postkontuzionny syndrome, which in turn may cause sexual disorders. In the history of these patients affective fluctuations preceded clinical manifestations of prostatitis.
The analysis described the group of patients suggests that long-term course of chronic prostatitis, confirmed by objective data, inevitably leads to the appearance, but over time, even predominance, neuropsychiatric symptoms with accentuation of urination disorders, sexual disorders, ie, there is somatopsihicheskaya orientation of the pathogenesis of the disease . Masked depression with prevalence of sexual dysfunctions are accompanied by complaints of accelerating or decelerating ejaculation combined with the weakening of erection, at least to reduce sexual desire and intensity of orgasmic sensations. Sexual disorders, as noted by the patients, a very complicated intra-family relationships, often becoming the cause of quarrels and even divorce. The examination along with somatovegetativnymi disorders characteristic of the depressive phase, to identify signs of congestion in the prostate.
Sexual disorders in masked depression also occur periodically (often seasonal), have the daily fluctuations of intensity are closely related to somatovegetativnymi disorders, relatively resistant to the stimulant, treatment of male sex hormones, psychotherapy and vice versa, there is a clear positive response to treatment with antidepressants. Disorders often disappear spontaneously. Subject sexual pathology is often heard in the statements of patients with neurosis-like form of depression, indirectly caused by various chronic forms prostatopaty.
Along with depressive and astenonevroticheskimi states to erectile disorder causes a syndrome of anxious expectation of failure that occurs after one or several unsuccessful attempts at intercourse. The clinical picture phobic options, among other intrusive phenomena are observed, obsessive doubts, misgivings, fears, desires and actions associated with sexuality, such as unfounded fear of failure during intercourse (koitofobiya), fear of inevitable consequences of masturbation (onanofobiya), incurable genital disorders, venereal disease, etc. Also a great difficulty for the differential diagnosis of psychosomatic disorders copulative cycle are those mild depression for tsiklotimicheskomu type, which were accompanied by anxiety concentrating on conventional operations actually become breeding grounds for psychogenic potency disorders by type of neurosis expectations . Such sexual disorders are prone to splitting off its endogenous bases and further development of pure neurotic mechanisms. In regard to the sexual neurotic syndromes can be divided into two groups - with the primary (ie direct) defeated the sexual sphere, and with secondary involvement of the sphere in the picture of neurosis. According to the literature core syndromes of the first group observed in approximately 23% of men seeking medical help, and syndromes of the second group - in 7% of surveyed. Thus, the primary sexological syndromes in patients with chronic prostatitis occur more than 3 times more often secondary. On the relative frequency of the main forms of classification NK Lipgart in the second group received the following distribution: astenonevroticheskie forms - 75,6%, anxious-phobic forms - 19,5%, hysterical forms - 4,9%. However, in the first group of anxious-phobic (61.1%) forms greatly outnumber astenonevroticheskimi (38,9%) with complete absence of primary sexological violations hysterical type. These data demonstrate the need for more actively identify and assess changes in mental status in patients with chronic prostatitis. Timely and directed correction of mental disorders in chronic prostatitis prevents the development of a more flagrant violations of the psyche and allows the successful treatment of somatic pain. In the complex treatment of chronic prostatitis should include the participation of specialist neuropsychiatrist, especially in cases of so-called difficult patients. Violation of sexual function in chronic prostatitis is accompanied by dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. In connection with the imbalance of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and inhibition of spinal erection centers, some patients note the weakening and even disappearance of the spontaneous (morning) erections. In some patients there is staining of orgasm, from the dull or painful, to anorgasmia. Chronic prostatitis can act as a predisposing factor in the development of sexual disorders, provoking ( "trigger") and worse (secondary to sexual dysfunction) factors. Thus, a direct correlation relationship between chronic prostatitis and erectile disorders have been identified. Damage erectile component copulative cycle in chronic prostatitis is not over, and in some cases even less pronounced than in chronic somatic diseases at other sites. However, the localization of the pathological process and its clinical manifestations, determines the number of violations of the sexual sphere predominantly on the psychosomatic principle.
Rx Florida
The structure of sexual pathology in patients with chronic prostatitis depends on many factors and is characterized by isolated damage to the ejaculatory component, which clinically manifested accelerated ejaculation (47%), painful ejaculation (52%) and smoothed (with altered color) orgasm (20%). The basis of most cases of erectile disorder are changes in mental and neuro-component copulative cycle. As the main complaint is erectile dysfunction is present in chronic prostatitis in 30% of cases. At the core lies the fear and anxiety about their condition, the fear of possible consequences. In 19 century domestic psychiatrists Kovalevsky and Popov introduced the concept of "neurasthenia psihotravmaticheskaya recover from." It creates a vicious circle - the fear of the patient for a particular authority is reflected in the functions of the latter, and the growing functional disorders have been reinforced by fear. The special features of patients with long-term ongoing chronic prostatitis include hypochondriac willingness and commit the slightest sensation in the genital organs. The presence of patients with anxious depression, obsessive show (ie, dominant in the consciousness and uncontrollable) mind disturbing the contents of his men, and therefore human inferiority of the incurable disease and futility of treatment, the imminent loss of family welfare. The same anxiety and fear with their condition and determine any actions of almost every step of the patients whose behavior is classified as "care in the disease with a separation from reality." For this category of patients tend to self-diagnose and self-healing. In the clinical picture of anxious depression are typical for these patients, sleep disorders and appetite, marked autonomic symptoms - sweating, lability of the pulse. Sexual disorders - decreased libido (40%), decrease in frequency and severity of spontaneous erections (15%), the weakening of adequate erections (30%), the inevitable manifestation of affective disorders. Psychotic burdened detected in approximately 75% of patients with chronic prostatitis. In 60,2% of patients with psychotic prior aggravated sexual dysfunctions, while 17,8% of patients psychoneurological symptoms occur after prolonged and ineffective treatment of the underlying disease, and makes certain specific sexual disorders clinic.
Erectile violations found at the chronic prostatitis should be considered in the structure of asthenic, anxious, hypochondriacal, astenoipohondricheskogo, astenodepressivnogo syndromes and purely hypochondriacal and depressive state. Typically, these states do not require a special correction by psychotropic drugs. Adequate is raising conducting interviews, the appointment of biogenic stimulants, adaptogens, the course of therapy with the use of Yohimbine. Good clinical effect is observed when using acupuncture. Aseptic prostatitis often has a psychosomatic basis. He and occurs more frequently in people with certain types of character because of "personality disorders and emotional stress and is highly resistant to therapy.
Often, analyzing the premorbid characteristics of patients, we can note the presence of cyclothymia, accentual character of residual-organic CNS lesions, postkontuzionny syndrome, which in turn may cause sexual disorders. In the history of these patients affective fluctuations preceded clinical manifestations of prostatitis.
The analysis described the group of patients suggests that long-term course of chronic prostatitis, confirmed by objective data, inevitably leads to the appearance, but over time, even predominance, neuropsychiatric symptoms with accentuation of urination disorders, sexual disorders, ie, there is somatopsihicheskaya orientation of the pathogenesis of the disease . Masked depression with prevalence of sexual dysfunctions are accompanied by complaints of accelerating or decelerating ejaculation combined with the weakening of erection, at least to reduce sexual desire and intensity of orgasmic sensations. Sexual disorders, as noted by the patients, a very complicated intra-family relationships, often becoming the cause of quarrels and even divorce. The examination along with somatovegetativnymi disorders characteristic of the depressive phase, to identify signs of congestion in the prostate.
Sexual disorders in masked depression also occur periodically (often seasonal), have the daily fluctuations of intensity are closely related to somatovegetativnymi disorders, relatively resistant to the stimulant, treatment of male sex hormones, psychotherapy and vice versa, there is a clear positive response to treatment with antidepressants. Disorders often disappear spontaneously. Subject sexual pathology is often heard in the statements of patients with neurosis-like form of depression, indirectly caused by various chronic forms prostatopaty.
Along with depressive and astenonevroticheskimi states to erectile disorder causes a syndrome of anxious expectation of failure that occurs after one or several unsuccessful attempts at intercourse. The clinical picture phobic options, among other intrusive phenomena are observed, obsessive doubts, misgivings, fears, desires and actions associated with sexuality, such as unfounded fear of failure during intercourse (koitofobiya), fear of inevitable consequences of masturbation (onanofobiya), incurable genital disorders, venereal disease, etc. Also a great difficulty for the differential diagnosis of psychosomatic disorders copulative cycle are those mild depression for tsiklotimicheskomu type, which were accompanied by anxiety concentrating on conventional operations actually become breeding grounds for psychogenic potency disorders by type of neurosis expectations . Such sexual disorders are prone to splitting off its endogenous bases and further development of pure neurotic mechanisms. In regard to the sexual neurotic syndromes can be divided into two groups - with the primary (ie direct) defeated the sexual sphere, and with secondary involvement of the sphere in the picture of neurosis. According to the literature core syndromes of the first group observed in approximately 23% of men seeking medical help, and syndromes of the second group - in 7% of surveyed. Thus, the primary sexological syndromes in patients with chronic prostatitis occur more than 3 times more often secondary. On the relative frequency of the main forms of classification NK Lipgart in the second group received the following distribution: astenonevroticheskie forms - 75,6%, anxious-phobic forms - 19,5%, hysterical forms - 4,9%. However, in the first group of anxious-phobic (61.1%) forms greatly outnumber astenonevroticheskimi (38,9%) with complete absence of primary sexological violations hysterical type. These data demonstrate the need for more actively identify and assess changes in mental status in patients with chronic prostatitis. Timely and directed correction of mental disorders in chronic prostatitis prevents the development of a more flagrant violations of the psyche and allows the successful treatment of somatic pain. In the complex treatment of chronic prostatitis should include the participation of specialist neuropsychiatrist, especially in cases of so-called difficult patients. Violation of sexual function in chronic prostatitis is accompanied by dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. In connection with the imbalance of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and inhibition of spinal erection centers, some patients note the weakening and even disappearance of the spontaneous (morning) erections. In some patients there is staining of orgasm, from the dull or painful, to anorgasmia. Chronic prostatitis can act as a predisposing factor in the development of sexual disorders, provoking ( "trigger") and worse (secondary to sexual dysfunction) factors. Thus, a direct correlation relationship between chronic prostatitis and erectile disorders have been identified. Damage erectile component copulative cycle in chronic prostatitis is not over, and in some cases even less pronounced than in chronic somatic diseases at other sites. However, the localization of the pathological process and its clinical manifestations, determines the number of violations of the sexual sphere predominantly on the psychosomatic principle.
Rx Florida
What do we mean by chronic prostatitis?
This definition covers a wide range of diseases and processes occurring in the prostate and lower urinary tract, ranging from the so-called prostatodinii with noninfectious prostatitis, allergic and metabolic disorders of the prostate and ending with infectious prostatitis. Lack of unity of terminology is especially true in the case of non-infectious CPs, which is interpreted by various authors as: prostatodiniya, a syndrome of chronic pelvic pain, postinfectious prostatitis, myalgia pelvic floor muscles, kongestivny prostatitis. At the same time, analysis of contemporary literature in the databases of the Cochrane Library and Medline did not reveal a single scientific position on the inquiry issue.
Chronic prostatitis is one of the most widespread diseases, and its manifestations are varied symptoms. Often, there are publications indicating an extremely high incidence of CP. It is reported that prostatitis leads to a significant reduction in quality of life for men of working age: its effects compared with angina, Crohn's disease or myocardial infarction. According to the cumulative incidence of the Association of Urologists chronic prostatitis ranges from 35 to 98% and from 40 to 70% in men of reproductive age.
Clinical characteristics
In his published works by various authors in different ways interpret clinical signs of disease. The recommendations of the AUA to the main features of chronic bacterial prostatitis include:
• re-development of symptoms of acute prostatitis;
• midstream urine contains more than 100 000 KOE / ml;
• usually rapid positive response to antibiotic therapy;
• patients began antibiotic treatment when the first symptoms, can prevent the attack of the disease.
• may be part of re-infection of the urinary tract.
Chronic infectious prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome is considered as the most common form of prostatitis. The main signs of chronic non-infectious prostatitis according to the recommendations of the AUA are: suffering, mostly young men from 20-50 years (mean age 43 years);
• basic and most frequent manifestation of the disease - the presence of pain or discomfort in the pelvic area, a minimum duration of 3 months;
• intensity of symptomatic manifestations varies considerably;
• The most frequent localization of pain - the perineum, but the discomfort can occur in any area of the pelvis;
• unilateral localization of pain in the testicle is not a sign of prostatitis;
• mandatory symptoms more characteristic than obstructive;
• Erectile dysfunction may accompany CP;
• pain after ejaculation, the most specific to HP, and distinguishes it from benign prostate hyperplasia and healthy men.
Rx Arizona
This definition covers a wide range of diseases and processes occurring in the prostate and lower urinary tract, ranging from the so-called prostatodinii with noninfectious prostatitis, allergic and metabolic disorders of the prostate and ending with infectious prostatitis. Lack of unity of terminology is especially true in the case of non-infectious CPs, which is interpreted by various authors as: prostatodiniya, a syndrome of chronic pelvic pain, postinfectious prostatitis, myalgia pelvic floor muscles, kongestivny prostatitis. At the same time, analysis of contemporary literature in the databases of the Cochrane Library and Medline did not reveal a single scientific position on the inquiry issue.
Chronic prostatitis is one of the most widespread diseases, and its manifestations are varied symptoms. Often, there are publications indicating an extremely high incidence of CP. It is reported that prostatitis leads to a significant reduction in quality of life for men of working age: its effects compared with angina, Crohn's disease or myocardial infarction. According to the cumulative incidence of the Association of Urologists chronic prostatitis ranges from 35 to 98% and from 40 to 70% in men of reproductive age.
Clinical characteristics
In his published works by various authors in different ways interpret clinical signs of disease. The recommendations of the AUA to the main features of chronic bacterial prostatitis include:
• re-development of symptoms of acute prostatitis;
• midstream urine contains more than 100 000 KOE / ml;
• usually rapid positive response to antibiotic therapy;
• patients began antibiotic treatment when the first symptoms, can prevent the attack of the disease.
• may be part of re-infection of the urinary tract.
Chronic infectious prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome is considered as the most common form of prostatitis. The main signs of chronic non-infectious prostatitis according to the recommendations of the AUA are: suffering, mostly young men from 20-50 years (mean age 43 years);
• basic and most frequent manifestation of the disease - the presence of pain or discomfort in the pelvic area, a minimum duration of 3 months;
• intensity of symptomatic manifestations varies considerably;
• The most frequent localization of pain - the perineum, but the discomfort can occur in any area of the pelvis;
• unilateral localization of pain in the testicle is not a sign of prostatitis;
• mandatory symptoms more characteristic than obstructive;
• Erectile dysfunction may accompany CP;
• pain after ejaculation, the most specific to HP, and distinguishes it from benign prostate hyperplasia and healthy men.
Rx Arizona
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Doplerografia - one word can scare people, unfamiliar with medicine. Probably something very complex, scientific and generally incomprehensible. But in fact, almost every motorist encountered with this method of research. Let us remember: it's completely empty road, the foot presses the gas pedal as usual, taking the speed of the machine in an area that never dreamed of traffic police inspector, and suddenly a shrill whistle and wave a "magic wand" and the testimony of an unforgiving "spidgana. Purse become easier, but the mood worse. So, just using Doppler was recorded your speed. In humans, too, there are objects that can move with the "inadmissible" speed. In order that would "catch" violators and to identify the main reason for such a violation is used in medicine doplerografia.
The velocity of the heart valves, the intensity of cerebral blood flow, blood flow in the vessels of the limbs, - all this can be studied using Doppler. In urological practice, most Doppler is used to diagnose kidney disease. The fact that this pair has an amazing body vascular system. In the kidney takes place 1 / 5 of blood ejected heart. In one gram of mass have a greater volume than even the brain. And if we consider that any disease inevitably affects the blood supply for the body, it turns out that Doppler - a method that can detect the earliest signs of changes in the kidneys. Moreover, the study not only speed, but also other parameters of blood flow: vascular resistance, pulse. But if doplerografia gave only dry numbers, it would not be so interesting. The fact is that modern devices that can place the image on vascular ultrasound image. It turns out that the urologist can not only know the characteristics of the vessel, but to see him.
How is doplerografy study? Initially, with conventional ultrasound, appears on the screen image buds included Doppler mode, and now a gray-black picture pulsates red arteries, blue - a vein. And in order to obtain an image of a vascular network does not need to enter the patient a contrast agent, to irradiate X-rays.
What tasks can solve doppler study? First of all, this diagnosis. Imagine that in the kidney revealed incomprehensible surround education includes doppler, and it becomes clear that there are no blood vessels, and therefore most likely a cyst. Another thing, if in the center of education shows many irregularly arranged vessels with clearly impaired performance. In this case, the tumor is suspected, and a survey will go a completely different course.
Often difficult to understand when the kidney is reduced in size: it is - a congenital anomaly or contracted kidney? Doplerography allows you to see and "calculate" renal vessels, if blood flow properly developed, but severely reduced, and the resistance high, there is every reason to believe that this is a contracted kidney, which must be removed.
Many of the girls that are consistent with the model representations of the beautiful, suffering kidney prolapse, or Nephroptosis. Deficiencies in fatty tissue deprives these organs of support, the kidney become mobile with breathing. This kidney "hangs" on the renal artery, which, pulling sharply reduced in diameter. It is difficult to assess how disturbed blood flow, needed immediate surgery or you can do with exercise therapy. When such a patient comes to the Doppler, it is sufficient to measure the parameters of blood flow in the renal artery, lying down, standing up and costs involved, to evaluate the differences and decide on further treatment. Since Doppler has become one of the most important diagnostic omissions kidneys.
But the diagnosis is established, planned operation. Using doppler surgeon can always advance to see how the tumor is located, whether it is far from the renal artery, which is adjacent to the formation of blood vessels and to choose the best type of operation.
Doppler unit installed in the operating room, can provide substantial assistance during surgery. Because the patient does not need specially trained to study. Special sterile probe, immersed in the wound, would circumvent the major blood vessels, to determine the depth distribution and especially the location of the tumor.
When the surgery is over and the patient is in intensive care, the only way to assess renal blood flow is Doppler, because this method has no effect, and therefore can not cause complications for the patient in a dangerous period.
In the past year in one of the urological journals has been described by a unique operation. Tumor of the kidney was located only directly in the center body. Surgeons had to cut the kidney almost in half, remove the malignant tumor, and then sew the kidney. Postoperatively, renal blood flow was monitored using Doppler. This could be seen as a bud, literally comes alive ", and more took place days after a difficult intervention, the more intense become the renal blood flow. With the Doppler technique was to obtain information that will allow the plan such complicated operations.
Of course, not only renal blood flow can be studied using doppler.
In the male health center used doppler study of the prostate gland. Chronic prostatitis, hyperplasia (adenoma) or prostate cancer often require conservative treatment. But many drugs act differently on different people. In order to select the optimal drug and dosage, with the help of Doppler estimated reduction in foci of pathological blood flow during drug treatment. At the end of treatment in the same way you can evaluate the effectiveness of various drugs.
It happens that the patient comes to a urologist at the stage when only using the operation can save him from an adenoma or cancer. In this case, Doppler will help you choose the best method of surgical treatment, the method which enables to perform the operation with the least risk to the patient.
We can not tell you about another doppler study, to which many representatives of the strong half of humanity would have gone to troubling doubts. There is a method for measuring the velocity of blood flow in the vessels of the penis. This means that the urologist armed doplerografy technology can very accurately determine the cause of violations of potency. And when the clear origin of the disease, we can choose the necessary treatment and using the same "doppler" to check its effectiveness. This usually happens this way: the penis is explored in "quiet" state, then with the help of medicinal drugs cause an erection, and doppler is performed repeatedly. By comparing the results of these two studies can be understood that hampers the normal functioning of the "harmonizer" of family relations.
The velocity of the heart valves, the intensity of cerebral blood flow, blood flow in the vessels of the limbs, - all this can be studied using Doppler. In urological practice, most Doppler is used to diagnose kidney disease. The fact that this pair has an amazing body vascular system. In the kidney takes place 1 / 5 of blood ejected heart. In one gram of mass have a greater volume than even the brain. And if we consider that any disease inevitably affects the blood supply for the body, it turns out that Doppler - a method that can detect the earliest signs of changes in the kidneys. Moreover, the study not only speed, but also other parameters of blood flow: vascular resistance, pulse. But if doplerografia gave only dry numbers, it would not be so interesting. The fact is that modern devices that can place the image on vascular ultrasound image. It turns out that the urologist can not only know the characteristics of the vessel, but to see him.
How is doplerografy study? Initially, with conventional ultrasound, appears on the screen image buds included Doppler mode, and now a gray-black picture pulsates red arteries, blue - a vein. And in order to obtain an image of a vascular network does not need to enter the patient a contrast agent, to irradiate X-rays.
What tasks can solve doppler study? First of all, this diagnosis. Imagine that in the kidney revealed incomprehensible surround education includes doppler, and it becomes clear that there are no blood vessels, and therefore most likely a cyst. Another thing, if in the center of education shows many irregularly arranged vessels with clearly impaired performance. In this case, the tumor is suspected, and a survey will go a completely different course.
Often difficult to understand when the kidney is reduced in size: it is - a congenital anomaly or contracted kidney? Doplerography allows you to see and "calculate" renal vessels, if blood flow properly developed, but severely reduced, and the resistance high, there is every reason to believe that this is a contracted kidney, which must be removed.
Many of the girls that are consistent with the model representations of the beautiful, suffering kidney prolapse, or Nephroptosis. Deficiencies in fatty tissue deprives these organs of support, the kidney become mobile with breathing. This kidney "hangs" on the renal artery, which, pulling sharply reduced in diameter. It is difficult to assess how disturbed blood flow, needed immediate surgery or you can do with exercise therapy. When such a patient comes to the Doppler, it is sufficient to measure the parameters of blood flow in the renal artery, lying down, standing up and costs involved, to evaluate the differences and decide on further treatment. Since Doppler has become one of the most important diagnostic omissions kidneys.
But the diagnosis is established, planned operation. Using doppler surgeon can always advance to see how the tumor is located, whether it is far from the renal artery, which is adjacent to the formation of blood vessels and to choose the best type of operation.
Doppler unit installed in the operating room, can provide substantial assistance during surgery. Because the patient does not need specially trained to study. Special sterile probe, immersed in the wound, would circumvent the major blood vessels, to determine the depth distribution and especially the location of the tumor.
When the surgery is over and the patient is in intensive care, the only way to assess renal blood flow is Doppler, because this method has no effect, and therefore can not cause complications for the patient in a dangerous period.
In the past year in one of the urological journals has been described by a unique operation. Tumor of the kidney was located only directly in the center body. Surgeons had to cut the kidney almost in half, remove the malignant tumor, and then sew the kidney. Postoperatively, renal blood flow was monitored using Doppler. This could be seen as a bud, literally comes alive ", and more took place days after a difficult intervention, the more intense become the renal blood flow. With the Doppler technique was to obtain information that will allow the plan such complicated operations.
Of course, not only renal blood flow can be studied using doppler.
In the male health center used doppler study of the prostate gland. Chronic prostatitis, hyperplasia (adenoma) or prostate cancer often require conservative treatment. But many drugs act differently on different people. In order to select the optimal drug and dosage, with the help of Doppler estimated reduction in foci of pathological blood flow during drug treatment. At the end of treatment in the same way you can evaluate the effectiveness of various drugs.
It happens that the patient comes to a urologist at the stage when only using the operation can save him from an adenoma or cancer. In this case, Doppler will help you choose the best method of surgical treatment, the method which enables to perform the operation with the least risk to the patient.
We can not tell you about another doppler study, to which many representatives of the strong half of humanity would have gone to troubling doubts. There is a method for measuring the velocity of blood flow in the vessels of the penis. This means that the urologist armed doplerografy technology can very accurately determine the cause of violations of potency. And when the clear origin of the disease, we can choose the necessary treatment and using the same "doppler" to check its effectiveness. This usually happens this way: the penis is explored in "quiet" state, then with the help of medicinal drugs cause an erection, and doppler is performed repeatedly. By comparing the results of these two studies can be understood that hampers the normal functioning of the "harmonizer" of family relations.
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