Wednesday, February 24, 2010

cell to replicate

In most countries in the treatment of herpes viral infections Cheap Generic Viagra using antiviral drugs entirely, but the common opinion in this matter. Some specialists prefer the method of antiherpetic vaccination, arguing that the vaccination of immunologically full rights helps to build strong antiherpetic Purchase Levitra Sale Online specific immunity. Others have advocated the use of immunomodulators, which, in their opinion, may increase the naturally formed specific immunity. According to the same third of the specialists, both concepts are quite vulnerable, because contrary to the basic Brand Name Viagra Prescription provisions of Immunology.

Moreover, the results of controlled studies once again confirm that the immunization of Cheap Brand Name Cialis immunologically full rights and is usually positive (according to statistics, 90% of people older than 18let infected with herpes virus) is simply not able to significantly change the established specific immunity. The observed increase in the level of specific antibodies for herpes Generic Levitra Pills viral infections makes no significant protective effect.

Modern immunomodulators indeed increase the functional activity of Cialis Drugs Online Pharmacy immune cells, but their impact is very vague and not specific. It is clear that in this case it is difficult to talk about any purposeful antigerpeticheskom effect.

Therefore, in their opinion, the most effective method of treatment Order Viagra Tablets Online is the use of highly specific drugs antiherpetic-acyclic nucleosides, which are synthetic analogs of the components of human and herpes viral DNA.

When creating protivogerpetiche-tion drugs in the Tadalafil Sildenafil Vardenafil first place taken into account the "habit" of herpes virus to the use of nucleoside host cell to replicate the "daughter" DNA. If the infected cell to saturate the excessive amount of any psevdonukleozida, the herpes virus and it Buy Generic Cialis Online will be used to build a "subsidiary" of DNA. Vrezultate a "subsidiary" of viral DNA is heavily defective nucleosides and the backup process will slow or even cease altogether. Moreover, it is expected that the artificially introduced nucleotides are used exclusively for the replication of the viral genome. We justify this assumption is that the first phase of Order Brand Levitra Discount oxidative phosphorylation, necessary for the inclusion of natural and artificial nucleosides in the synthesis and assembly of viral DNA chains are controlled by viral enzymes. This implies that the acyclic nucleosides must have high specificity, ie were infected, while not harming the host cells.

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